pramsay posted on November 29, 2011 18:41 1820 views

Millions of Successful Christian Flights

Maybe you have no fear of flying. Others do. Some suffer panic attacks and avoid air travel at any cost because they are certain the plane carrying them will crash; after all, don’t most planes crash? Well, maybe not most, but lots of them do. Lots?  Well, many of them or quite a few of them do. Just follow the news. Avoid flying if at all possible because you are putting your life at risk. The chances of you arriving safely are not great. Really?

According to one international report, in 2010 there were over 37 million planes that landed successfully around the world, carrying a total of over 5 billion people. In comparison, twenty six planes crashed in 2010 according to another source.  Yes, 26 too many. A Boeing aircraft takes off or lands every two seconds every day of the year – somewhere in the world.  But what grabs the headlines and stays in the news for hours? Only the plane that crashes – replayed in all the gory details for hours on end. And from those tragic incidents, sweeping generalizations are made about how unsafe and unappealing air travel really is.

“There you go! What further evidence is needed? Christianity and the change Christ makes in one’s life is all a sham! Just watch: sooner or later they all come crashing down. There’s nothing to it. So much for the Christ-filled life. Another one goes up in smoke!”

Hold on a second! What about the hundreds of thousands, yes, millions of Christians around the world living today – living a joyful, faithful and fruitful life, bringing pleasure to the Lord? Sure they may hit some turbulence now and then – an air pocket or two or some rough weather and have to change altitude or direction to safely navigate through a storm but – hey, they are still flying and every day there are Christians landing safely with  seatbelts fastened and the fuselage intact at Airport Heaven.

Yes, sadly with tears, there are a few tragedies in the statistics. Even the Word of God acknowledges that.  Abraham, the ‘friend of God’, lost his testimony in Egypt before Pharaoh but he was fully restored to the Lord. Moses, ‘the man of God’ lost his temper before all the people he was leading. King David, ‘a man after God’s own heart’ lost his testimony but was wonderfully restored to useful service again for God. Peter, a man who said he would never forsake or deny Jesus, tragically failed. It can happen to the best. But when you are reading your Bible, don’t overlook the Josephs, Calebs, Daniels, Ezras, Nehemiahs, Esthers, Mordecais, Marys, Elizabeths, Aquilas and Priscillas, Timothys, Gaiuses, Pauls and Johns and many, many others who touched-down successfully for the Lord on the runway of eternity.

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus,
the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
(Hebrews 12:1-2)

When a Boeing or even a single-prop crashes – don’t lose perspective. Pray intensely for those involved in the tragedy and their families. Learn for your life what needs to be learned; make your own needed adjustments and keep flying. Don’t dismiss air-travel as unsafe or unappealing. Avoid sweeping generalizations.

Child of God, don’t take your eyes off the One who never faltered or failed. His life on earth was distinguished by faithfulness and fruitfulness for God.  Lift up your eyes and keep them fixed on the One who survived temptations, false accusations, threats, humiliation and shame. The One who went into the darkest of all storms and emerged on the other side triumphant. He alone is qualified to occupy the pedestal of your heart and the pinnacle of the universe. He will never fall from that pedestal and He is able to keep you from falling. Walk carefully and humbly and closely with the Lord each day.

Walk carefully and closely with the Lord today,

Warmly in Christ,

Peter Ramsay

[email protected]
