Enjoying Christ – Tabernacle Study

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The purpose of this online study of the Old Testament Tabernacle is to help focus hearts on seeing Christ in the Old Testament.

In addition to other resources, Dr. A. J. Higgins, a retired physician, elder of a local church, Christian magazine editor and a respected Bible teacher around the world has given us permission to use and adapt his material for this study.

You are going to be learning beautifully rich truths as you view the Lord Jesus Christ through this ancient but totally Biblical window.

Let’s face it – every Biblical window through which we can appreciate more of the character of Christ needs to be opened! We don’t want to settle for a shallow and superficial knowledge of and love for Christ. The deeper and stronger our love for Him becomes, the safer we will be in a dangerous world and the greater our joy and satisfaction will be.

Just one study a week of usually less than a 1000 words. Do you think you can cope with that load? Of course you can! Our prayer is that your life will be spiritually enriched as a result of this study.

Complete the study but want to review a specific lesson?  Select the lesson below!