pramsay posted on August 19, 2008 19:29 3314 views

Tired of Doing the Right Thing?

‘Well, it just doesn’t seem fair. They’re doing practically nothing and we’re working our heads off. I’m tired of trying to do the right thing. What’s the payback? Is my life any better because of it? Why bother? Why not go with the flow? If they can, so can I.”

The Apostle Paul had already written one letter to the believers in Thessalonica and now he writes a second. He clarifies some of the issues related to the Coming of the Lord. He wants them to see the distinctions between the Rapture, the Day of the Lord and Christ’s Revelation when He returns to reign.  One of the issues in Thessalonica was a group of believers in anticipation of the Lord’s Return had resigned from their jobs and had stopped planting their gardens – they had stopped working period.

“Why work, if the Lord could return today or any day? We should just visit the coffee shops, drop in to visit other Christians, read, stroll through town, visit the markets, sit on our verandahs and watch the sun set and shoot the breeze with friends and relatives.” And so they folded their hands and started waiting.

Was it okay for Christians to do this? “No,” Paul says, “It is wrong! Yes the Lord is coming, but until He returns, keep putting in an honest day’s work; no slacking off; be diligent and disciplined in your manner of living.”

The Christians who continued to work probably thought: “Something’s wrong with this picture. We’re working hard to keep food on our tables and these others are doing nothing and expecting us to drop off food to them. I’ve had it up to here! That’s it. I’m finished with putting food on other people’s tables – no matter who it is. I’m tired of all this.”

Paul writes these words to encourage them:

For we hear that some among you walk in idleness,

not busy at work, but busybodies.

Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.

As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.

2 Thessalonians 3:11-13 ESV

Even if others around you are doing the wrong thing don’t you get tired of doing the right thing. They will have to give an account of their choices and their actions to the Lord when they stand before Him. They will have to answer for themselves. But as for you – keep on doing the right thing, and right things generally. Don’t even think about getting discouraged or depressed. Just keep on following the Lord, honoring His Word and remaining faithful. Others may ignore the commands of Scriptures; others may make poor choices but … you? Don’t even allow your mind to go down that road. Do not grow weary in doing the right thing. Don’t lose heart in doing the right things.

Like sinners, sometimes we measure ourselves by others. A rapist in prison knows he is not as good as he should be but he’s certainly not as bad as the murderer in the next cell. But he’s measuring himself by the wrong standard. We encourage sinners to get to the Word of God and view themselves in light of God’s holy standards. But sometimes we catch ourselves as Christians saying: “Well, I’m not the Christian I should be, but at least I’m not doing what some of the other Christians are doing.” That’s not the standard the Lord will use at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

Is what I’m doing RIGHT and GOOD from the Lord’s perspective?

Dear Child of God, take it from the Lord Himself today: Don’t become tired of doing what is right.

Walk carefully and closely with the Lord today.

Warmly in Christ

Peter Ramsay

[email protected]
