Those who knew better grossly understated the value of the gems. Those responsible for their safekeeping seemed to be cavalier or even negligent in discharging their duties. Nefarious forces assessed the value of the rare jewelry and pursued the large cache, and pulled off what could be one of the largest jewelry heists in modern history. Some estimates are as high as $100,000,000.

July 2022 Exhibition

The International Gem & Jewelry Show wrapped up its two-day event at the San Mateo County Event Center (Expo Hall) on July 10, 2022. Jewelry store owners and customers who love jewelry shopped at the extravaganza looking for one-of-a-kind jewelry creations, loose gemstones, beaded strands, pearls, watches, antique and estate jewelry, supplies, chains, charms, accessories and much more. These shows often include truly rare and exquisite pieces of jewelry.

Large Orange Bags and Suspicious Activity

The tables and display cabinets were cleared at closing time, and the packing began. At one point, the organizers used a loudspeaker to warn of suspicious people lingering outside the event center. By midnight, 73 large orange bags of jewelry had been loaded into the 18-wheeler Brinks big-rig truck. It headed down the road to the next exhibition in Pasadena.

What was the value of the contents in those 73 large orange bags? It seems the small closely-knit society of travelling jewellers had a long-standing practice of understating the value of the gems they were shipping to reduce costs.

Have you ever understated the value of something that belongs to you?

Flying J Truck Stop in Lebec, CA.

Sleeping and Eating at the Truck Stop

Later that night, at approximately 2:05 a.m., the Brinks big-rig carrying the 73 large orange bags rolled into the Flying J Truck Stop in Lebec, CA. One Brinks’ employee went inside for food. The other grabbed some sleep in the truck’s berth.

Twenty-seven minutes later, the Brinks’ employee returned to his truck at 2:32 a.m. He noticed both the red plastic seal around the truck and its rear lock had been cut. Inside, 22 large orange bags had disappeared. The sleeping trucker said he heard nothing.

Many of these details have come from interviews, and court filings made public. But as of now, we can only imagine the horror and fear that gripped the truck drivers when they realized their precious cargo had been stolen. What would it mean for their future?

Real Value of the Heist

Another group lamenting their loss were the jewellers who knowingly understated the value of their gems – perhaps grossly understated the value. It has been reported they hope to recover as much as $100 million, the speculated full value of the 22 bags of stolen cargo  – not the $8.7 million declared value on the shipping manifest.

Meanwhile, the thieves successfully completed their carefully planned mission. Between 2:05 a.m. and 2:32 a.m. – yes, in those brief 27 minutes, the thieves potentially destroyed the jewellers’ future livelihood and prosperity.

line, divider

Four Spiritual Reflections

1. Peril of Understating the Value

Normal business for the travelling jewellers was to understate the value of their gems – standard practice for years, they say. In the short term, it may have seemed to them to be a savvy business move – reducing their shipping costs and leaving more money in their pockets. But ignoring the actual value of their possessions may ultimately result in financial disaster for them.

Spiritually, you possess a far more valuable possession than a rare gem or a flashing diamond. Is it your standard practice to live each day, underestimating or ignoring the value of your precious soul? Gems and diamonds are material possessions of temporal value. Your soul is spiritual in nature and has eternal value.

In the short term, ignoring the true value of your soul may allow you to make some here-and-now choices that bring you satisfaction – but what is the long-term peril?

Jesus asked: What do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Mark 8:36

2. Cavalier Attitude and Negligence

Sleeping and eating are essential to life. But there seems to be no excuse for the tired and hungry truckers not to have taken the necessary measures to ensure the safety of their cargo. It’s one thing to be cavalier about the safekeeping of a load of jewelry – but it’s of a different magnitude altogether to be negligent about one’s eternal soul. Are you prepared for what could be next?

In recent times, how much attention have you paid to your soul and God? Has it been your singular priority?

Jesus told the story of a successful farmer who was making big plans for the future with God not even on his radar screen.

Luke 12:18-21

“… And he [the farmer] said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.”‘

But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?'”

Jesus ended the story with this lesson:

“So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”

Check out a short heaven4sure Idiom Video: Beat Around the Bush 

3. Nefarious Forces Working Against You

The ‘suspicious’ individuals who lingered outside the San Mateo County Event Center had dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s of their dark plan. To execute their plan, it only took them 27 minutes in the Flying J Truck Stop parking lot.

God’s Word is consistently clear about the chief enemy of your soul. Satan is, first and foremost, against God and all that God loves. That includes you and me.

Among the multiple references to Satan throughout the Bible, there is one that depicts the devil as a raging lion.

“… the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.” 1Peter 5:8

Have you assessed your own risk and vulnerability? Satan has.

 4. Secure Your Soul for the Eternal Ages

The big story of the Bible is one of redemption and salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Despite our sin against God and our brokenness, our value remains unchanged in God’s estimation. God has determined that your value is infinite in nature. Think about Christ on the Cross and ask yourself if God understated your value.

In conclusion, think about what the good news for you contained in this famous Bible verse in the Gospel of John Chapter 3 and Verse 16:

For God so loved the world

He loves the unlovable. Sinners of all kinds and without exception. Not one is excluded. You are of infinite value to Him.

that He gave His one and only Son

God did the unthinkable. He gave Jesus to die the horrible death on the Cross for our sins. That’s the value He places on you. Worth dying for!

that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

To believe is to receive the gift of eternal life – your soul saved and eternally secure. A gift for you that surpasses human comprehension.

Friend, the largest heist is the loss of one’s soul. Trust Christ as your personal Saviour and be secure forever.

