Personal  Story  of  Walker D. Jungers

How My Salvation Culminated a Thirty-Year Pursuit and Brought Me Peace of God, Purpose in Christ, and Passion of the Spirit

My happy childhood

My name is Walker David Jungers, the youngest son of David and Barbara Jungers. As of this publication (2019), I am 31 years old. I found Christ in the summer of 2018 at 30 years of age.

I was raised in a loving, caring, fulfilling home with my brother Zac in Baltimore, Maryland. My parents provided us with every opportunity to succeed growing up. All our physical, emotional, and material needs were attended to and cared for.

My brother Zac and I

I received a prestigious education from an Ivy League University, I competed at a high level in sports, and I earned all the requisite academic and athletic accolades that were supposed to bring me satisfaction. Yet while I was never wanting or lacking for anything tangible growing up, I always had a feeling within me of a desire for the intangible—the feeling that there was “something” more to my existence. This innately-driven desire was the catalyst for my decade-long spiritual pursuit.

Princeton University

Over the course of my teens and twenties, I discovered that the “something” that I was looking for was Peace, Purpose, and Passion in my life.

Lack of Peace

Princeton Army ROTC

The Graduate

I had a lack of peace from always trying to perform well to earn merit and favor with others. I had the attitude ingrained in my head from a highly competitive school and sports environment that my value as a person was directly correlated with my individual performance. Looking back, I realize now that I applied this same mentality to my relationship with God—I always felt compelled to behave well to earn His merit and favor, believing the false notion that I had to work to “be good” in order to be of value to Him. This had the opposite of the intended effect, as I am sinful by nature and continued to sin despite my best efforts to the contrary. I was a tormented soul, having no solution to this predicament before Christ.

Lack of Purpose

A lack of purpose in my life manifested itself in directionless wandering—bouncing from one thing to another—trying to find a worthy cause to devote my life to. I was looking for something greater than myself—greater than superficial accolades—to dedicate my life to and fill the void in my soul. Yet I ended up bouncing from one thing to another, one place to another, with periods of highly-motivated zeal, but ultimately always fizzling out, still looking for something more that would “stick.” In all the avenues I explored before Christ, I found no such thing.

Lack of Passion

The first thirty years of my life was also marked by a lack of passion. There was nothing that lit my soul on fire, that kept me awake at night or got me out of bed in the morning. I was meandering through life, getting by and “doing well” for all intents and purposes. Yet, I was just going wherever the wind took me, letting the influences of the world and Satan dictate my excitement and proclivities. I was supremely envious when I saw people with real, unshakeable convictions, for I lacked any myself. I grew contemptuous towards those who seemingly “had it”—why could I not find that “thing” that they seemed to have?

Always Searching

And so, I was always searching, driven by the belief that if I look hard and long enough, I’ll find it. I held the fundamental idea within me that there was more to life than what I was experiencing—a belief instilled in me that God has placed in everyone —but for three decades the cacophony of the world drowned out the still, small voice.

I studied Hebrew and Judaism, and read the Tanakh; I studied Arabic, lived amongst Muslims in the Middle East, and studied sections of the Torah. I studied philosophy, practiced meditation, and read countless self-help books. I explored a myriad of intellectual and spiritual avenues, yet all of these were fruitless and vain attempts to find that intangible “thing” I saw in others; and, I was always left wanting.


I was familiar with Christianity growing up, but more so as a title than faith. I was baptized as an infant, received Holy Communion, confirmed in the Catholic Church, and partook of the Eucharist weekly at both Catholic Church and Catholic High School. This was all just a ritualistic fulfillment of what I thought was expected of me; everybody else was doing it, so I did it too. I never heard or saw much about salvation or Christ during my years of Sunday School; or perhaps—better yet—what I did hear, I did not understand, and what I did see, I did not perceive – the condition Jesus described in Matthew 13:14-15.

My Prayers

The extent of my prayer life for many years consisted solely of “Foxhole Prayers.” There was a saying in World War I: “There are no atheists in foxholes” (foxholes being the brutal trenches which the soldiers fought much of the war in, under the constant threat of death, and calling upon God in times of duress). This was a similar illustration of my relationship with God—I called upon Him only when I needed Him. Like, when you see the flashing lights in your rearview mirror, and you promise God you will never speed again if He gets you out of this ticket.

Emergency Prayer in the Middle East

Much like the above analogy, I spoke to God only when I was ready to bargain with Him.  It was the summer of 2012 and I was living in the Middle East. I had gone out on a hike in the very rough and rugged terrain characteristic of a Middle Eastern Wadi, or valley, and found myself ill-prepared for misadventure.

I was isolated from my group, off pushing the limits of my physical ability with the supreme confidence in my own self-reliance that I could navigate myself out of any situation. As they say, however, pride comes before the fall (and in this case, quite literally). I fell a considerable distance while attempting to drop between two rock faces and ended up shattering my right ankle. There I was, with minimal provisions for survival, under the blistering 120-degree heat of the Arabian sun, in a foreign place and completely alone.

I vividly remember leaning against a rock, drinking my last bit of water, finally understanding the gravity of the situation after the shock of adrenaline had subsided. It was at that point I started pleading with God to deliver me from this cruel fate. Long story short, He did. I was given the strength and wisdom to crawl out until I found help, swim down a ravine, and find my way back to civilization.

Taking the Credit

Afterwards, I couldn’t help but think “how tough I am.” Now, I share this story not as a means to toot my own horn, but rather to illustrate the mentality that embodied much of my relationship with God for thirty years: I needed God to get through, but I was quick to take the credit and praise myself for all the work He was doing in my life.

In my quest for peace, purpose, and passion, I exhausted myself trying to fit square pegs in a round hole. I tried to fill the void in my life with things that pleased me, until I learned that the hole I was trying to fill was a God-sized hole. Yet even still, holding this fundamental belief, I wanted to find God everywhere else but in Jesus.

God Yes but Not Jesus

I was aversive to the Lord Jesus Christ, perhaps from being negatively conditioned through Catholic Mass and Catholic School, yet nonetheless ignorant to the Truth. It was not until I finally sat down and read the Scriptures for myself that I learned that Christ is the Way—the only way—to finding the relationship with God that I was longing for all my life:

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” John 14:6


Tired and discouraged from years of fruitless wandering and searching, I came home to sleepy, small-town Southwest Virginia in October of 2017 on a whim to reconnect with my family here. I instantly fell in love with the place. What I didn’t understand at this point was God was at work in my life.

Big Walker Valley, Virginia (Coming Home)

Meeting our Neighbours

My father took me to meet the neighbors, John and Mary Miller. John took the time to share his personal story with me, and though I did not quite understand the entirety of what he was saying to me, I left deeply impressed with his conviction. For weeks after that conversation, I could not escape this fact – there’s something there! I recall conversations with my father after leaving the Millers, as well as my own personal reflections – here was a man living with Peace, motivated by Purpose, and speaking with Passion. I was intrigued, as God continued to do His Work in me.

Hearing the Gospel Preached

I attended my first gospel meeting in December of 2017, in a quiet, dimly-lit upper room outside of Pearisburg, Virginia. As I sat and listened, I still did not fully comprehend what the speakers were getting at. Intellectually, I understood the message fine, but I felt no personal conviction of heart. I was not concerned about my own sin.

Although I heard some hard truths during the Gospel meetings in Pearisburg, I had the uncanny ability to separate myself from personally needing these truths. But something within me wanted to return and hear more. Subconsciously, perhaps I was hoping that some of the “thing” these people had would rub off on me if I hung around long enough.

Getting to Know the Neighbours

I felt drawn to spend more time with the Millers; Dan and Eli—John and Mary’s two youngest sons—became my neighborhood backwoods buddies, and I was eager for the opportunity to get to know Sarah (John and Mary’s only daughter) better – who I am incredibly blessed to say is now my wife today.

My Backwoods Buddies – Eli and Dan Miller

Joining the Miller Construction Crew     

In January of 2018, I started working construction with Henry, Jonas, and Daniel Miller, which offered me the invaluable position of daily exposure to the Gospel. The Miller boys worked very hard on the job—and very hard off the job—sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with me.

Miller Carpentry Crew

I had many enlightening and fulfilling conversations to-and-from work and on lunch breaks with the Miller brothers. Three conversations stand-out to me as moments that struck a chord within me during my search for peace.

  1. First, the “Born Again” conversation with Jonas: early on, one morning on the drive to work with just him and I, Jonas asked me what I thought it meant to be Born Again. I gave him an answer along the lines of my obsession with the self-improvement narrative, believing that every day is a new birth, with a new opportunity to better oneself through diligence and discipline. I had no idea what being born again really meant, and this was something I often thought about as I later read through the Scriptures.
  1. Second, on a cold, snowy morning in March of 2018, Daniel approached me outside of a barn we were building with a heavy heart. “I don’t want you to go to Hell,” he told me, “You don’t have to go to Hell and the Lake of Fire, you’ve just got to give your life to Christ.” Though I was unconcerned myself with the prospect of eternal damnation at this point, I could nonetheless clearly see how deeply this affected him, and that in turn affected me greatly.
  1. And third, only a few weeks before my salvation, in another conversation on the drive to work, Henry succinctly encapsulated the essence of what was holding me back and a major barrier preventing me from surrendering to Christ: “How many people will miss out on the Kingdom of God because of their pride?” he said. This hit me at the core and made me think – am I missing out because of my pridefulness in self-reliance and self-sufficiency, trying to do this my own way? I needed to find out the Truth.


Search Intensifies

I started attending weekly meetings at the Crandon Gospel Hall in April of 2018, sitting quietly by myself in the third row back, listening intently, searching internally, and seeking incessantly. I began a disciplined routine of my own private, individual study of the Word, waking up every morning before first light to read and pray, driven by an intense desire to learn more about the things of God. I stood firm on the promise of God that He first laid on my heart:

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8

Writing God Every Day

I was asking God to know His Son better: every morning I wrote a letter to God in prayer, asking to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior. I was seeking to learn more about Him through the Scriptures. I wrote out almost the entirety of Jesus’ Words and Teachings in the Gospel, scrawled out in my little pocket notebook.

I was knocking at His door through a heartfelt desire to find Him and be received by Him. I kept up with weekly meetings, asking questions to Believers, spending time with the Millers and members of the local church – all in an effort to stay close to God’s Presence at His Doorstep.

Of all the Bible verses that impressed me during my intensifying search, there was one that gripped my heart deeply. The words of Jesus revealed the error of my ways in how I lived the first thirty years of my life:

“Then He [Jesus] said to them all, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?’” Luke 9:23-25

 I had been trying to “gain the world” in order to fill the void in my life, but the end result was that I lost myself along the way. I discovered, from these verses, I must give up my sense of self—my selfish desires, my empty ambitions, my pseudo-intellectual superiority—in order to find that thing which I was lacking. This was a major epiphany in my quest: I must take up my cross and follow Christ, for only He will lead me to what I have been searching for all along.


Armed with this Kingdom Revelation—that I must give up myself to gain Christ—I felt myself nearer to the Truth than ever before. Yet to change my way of doing things for three decades was a prospect much easier said than done. I still had numerous stumbling blocks to get over before I was finally able to reach the point of surrender to Christ.

Good Works and Favour with God

The first stumbling block I had to overcome revolved around a critical and contentious doctrinal Truth: what about “Good Works?” I had always been indoctrinated by the idea that my favor with God is directly mediated by my behavior and my performance—and whether or not it is pleasing to Him. This reasoning stemmed from my core belief that my merit as an individual in all facets of life was intrinsically related to how satisfactorily I met the expectations of those around me. What I learned in Scripture, however, was that salvation is a matter solely of faith, and not of works:

“For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the Gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

If good works got me into Heaven, why would I need Christ? To what end would Christ have come into this world to suffer and die? This was a total paradigm shift in my thinking: salvation isn’t my work to do so that I could revel in the superiority of myself—this was His Work to finish so that all glory may be given to God.

Accountability to God

Upon understanding this fundamental principle of Scripture, I was presented with my next stumbling block: if faith alone leads to salvation, then why do good? Where is my accountability? Doesn’t this notion of salvation by faith and not by works present a loophole for bad behavior? What I learned was that good works are the fruit—not the root—of being saved: doing good is the resultant outcome of salvation, not the preceding cause of it.

“He who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” John 3:21

The accountability, therefore, is before God. I now want to do good as a saved man because of God’s goodness to me, to bring honor and glory to Him. My good works stem from being made new. I now have a desire to be a shining light to bear witness to others of the transformative power of Christ in my life.

Finding the Salvation Formula 

The third stumbling block to my salvation that I encountered was my insistence on finding clear, rational, logical and repeatable instructions—the “Salvation Instruction Manual,” so to speak. The closest thing I could find during my search of Scripture came from the Epistle to the Romans:

If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Romans 10:9-10

To believe and confess were the instructions I was looking for. I distinctly remember on many occasions before I was saved closing my eyes, counting down in my head, and confessing the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. Yet nothing changed, nothing happened. So, I tried this again and again during my morning devotionals.

What I learned was that though I could do the ‘confess’ part, as I truly did want to be saved and devote my life to Christ, I was lacking in my ability to feign belief. I discovered that believing on the Lord Jesus Christ was not something I could rationally or logically “figure out” like I was accustomed to doing my entire life.

The Word of God revealed to me that I needed to have a new birth experience—an entire change in my being, my thought patterns, and in my heart—if I were to get right with God. It was Jesus Himself who made it unequivocally clear when He said:

 “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.” John 3:3

Knowing One is Saved

Another stumbling block I encountered was my obsession with finding an answer to a critical and simple (at the time, I thought) question: how do you know if you’re saved? How will I know when I am saved? I asked this question many different times, to many different people, in many different ways, but I could never get an answer that satisfied my logical “a + b = c” narrative.

I came to understand that there is not an intellectual answer for this spiritual question. Pivotal to my salvation was a decision to take God at His Word rather than try to fit Him in a box inside my mind. I learned that salvation is not something formulaic, but rather, it is God’s Promise, His guarantee:

 “In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.” Ephesians 1:13-14

I knew I was saved because I no longer had to ask the question. I didn’t need to “figure it out”—instead, I trusted the Word of God. I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thus I was sealed with the guarantee (2Corinthians 1:22) of the Holy Spirit of Promise that the Word tells me so. This was a far more satisfactory answer than I could ever have hoped to receive with all my questioning.

Too Far Gone for Salvation

Throughout my search for Truth, I continued to stumble on a misconstrued notion that I was too far gone for the salvation of Christ. Surely all have sinned, but the Christians whom I knew were all good people; “They are not like me, they are not as wicked as me, and the message of the Gospel is for them, not me,” I thought.

It was an incredible relief to read about the Apostle Paul, and learning from his experience in the Word of God that no matter how grievous my past transgressions, the Blood of Christ covers me:

 “This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into this world to save sinners, of which I am chief.” 1 Timothy 1:15

If the finished work of Christ is good enough to redeem Paul—the chief of sinners, the persecutor of Christians—then it was good enough for me and the sins of my past, and it is beyond sufficient for yours, too.

My Personal Goodness

Industrial Firefighting and EMT Training – southwest Virginia

Despite my sinful past, I did consider myself a “good person” in the sense that I was willing to sacrifice a lot for others, to lay down my life for a noble cause, for my family, for loved ones. I would sacrifice myself for something or someone I deemed worthy and acceptable, and I stumbled over the question of whether or not that counted for something in God’s eyes.

I learned from God’s Word that I was neither as noble or as righteous as I thought I was. The Righteous One, Christ, sacrificed His life for even the worst of His enemies, and for every sinner.

 “For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:7-8

Would I die for the ungodly? For someone that hated me? For people who mistreated me, rejected me, reviled me? Absolutely and unequivocally no, but Christ did when He died for me. This was a Love deeper than any I had ever known.

Today, being a saved man, I realize there’s still nothing good in me, and that all that is good and pure and holy inside of me is His Work and His Blessing, and not of my own accord:

“My goodness is nothing apart from You.” Psalms 16:2

Abandoning My Own Straying Way

And lastly, the preeminent stumbling block to my salvation—and perhaps yours, too—was the fact that for thirty years of my life, going my own way was all I had ever known. I was pridefully deluded and obsessed with self-reliance and self-sufficiency. It was incredibly difficult for me to give up myself and lay down my will for God’s Will. Yet, at the same time, I could not understand why I was struggling through life, while everyone else seemed to have it together, to have peace. I discovered in the Bible that I was like the Lost Sheep, going my own way, trying to live by the sheer force of my own will; but I was failing, falling, and fed-up. I needed help, and so does everyone else!

Lost Sheep on Life’s Road to Eternity

“All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6

We all have a sinful, insufficient, imperfect nature. We are all lost sheep without Christ. But Christ came into this world to bear this burden of ours for us. He laid it upon Himself, and He is the rest for our weary soul if we surrender our will and our life to Him.


Perhaps some of the stumbling blocks to my own salvation are questions you have found yourself asking before. Perhaps you are much like I was, taking pride in your own self-sufficiency and get-it-done attitude, and perhaps you, too, think that living well and pleasing God are much the same case—it’s simply a matter of being disciplined, dedicated, and motivated enough to succeed. This was the thought pattern I was indoctrinated with my entire life, much like many other up-and-coming youths across our country. This is the “American Dream”—you get out what you put in, and opportunity and prosperity await those who are willing to work hard for it.

Impossible to Hit the Mark

It was a humbling and life-changing revelation to discover that with regard to my own sin, no matter how hard I tried to be good—to be a better man—I could never hit the mark that God demands of people. Despite the worldly successes I had achieved in my life, despite all the merit and favor I had earned in the eyes of others, I finally surrendered to the hard truth that I was insufficient on my own accord for Him. Exhausted, discouraged, and done, I reached the point of no return and surrendered my life to Christ.

One Dishonest Act Brings Me Down

On the night of May 25, 2018, I was lying in my bed alone, praying and repenting, asking God for His forgiveness once again. I had committed a minor sin earlier that evening in comparison to my past transgressions (a dishonest purchase at a self-checkout station in a major retail store). Nonetheless, I felt horrible after; I still did it knowing full well it was wrong, and I was overcome with major guilt, shame, and remorse. This was the catalyst for my ultimate repentance.

I had a revelatory epiphany leading to my moment of surrender: no matter how hard I was trying to do good—to live a sinless life—and despite the elevated standards by which I had been conducting myself as of late (since meeting the good-natured Millers and members of the local fellowship of Christians), I was still falling short, still missing the mark. The fact of the matter was that I was unable to live without sin, and I was plumb exhausted of being a slave to my sinful deeds. The utter darkness of this moment made room for the Light to enter into my life.


As I prayed once again that night, repenting for my sin and inviting the Lord Jesus Christ into my life, to rule and reign in my heart, to surrender my will for His, I was overwhelmed with an indescribable peace – unlike any I had experienced before. “The price has been paid!” was etched into my mind in that moment. I didn’t have to earn or buy my salvation through performing well for God, because I couldn’t. His favor is unmerited on my behalf because my debt for sin had already been paid by Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for me on the Cross:


Christ did the work for me that I was perpetually and inherently unable to do for myself. I am saved, not only from eternal damnation, but from the futility of meaningless spiritual toil, trying to earn my own redemption that had already been purchased for me by Jesus Christ on the cross.

The Moment of My Salvation

Moments later, still lying there, I felt a visceral reaction of an incredible weight being lifted off my body. I had a clear vision in my mind’s eye of being raised from below by God’s Mighty Hand. I will never forget that moment, and I will never forget that feeling of peace when I realized I was no longer under the weight of my own self, my burden being lifted from me, now carried by Christ. And then, I fell asleep.

The best rest I ever had was interrupted an hour later by an emergency page to run a fire call for a car wreck in the community. I believe this was God’s way of reminding me that though I no longer have to toil for His merit, I am tasked with a new-found purpose of being a representative of His Will, glorifying Him in my daily life, and bearing witness to others of my salvation and the offering of salvation to all. I have been a man on a mission ever since.


After my salvation, everything that I had previously read in Scripture started speaking directly to me, about me and written for me. The Word of God took on new meaning as it was personalized, and it will for you, too.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” John 3:16-17

The verses above may be so familiar to you that you didn’t stop to consider them – thinking they have impacted others, but they do nothing for you. They held no meaning for me either, because I felt like they were written for everyone else but me.

After being saved, however, I realized that this verse was written precisely for me, and for you: Christ came into this world and suffered and died for me—an unworthy Sinner who at his best tried to bargain with God, and who at his worst blasphemed and mocked Him—yet He still chose to save me! And he still wants to save you, not condemn you!

Holy Bible – God’s Word
The Final Authority

Five Critical Bible Truths

There are five critical Truths in Scripture that we must understand, accept, and abide by if we are seeking to be Saved. Before my Salvation, I had been able to separate myself from needing these Truths, but after being saved, I came to recognize that these Truths were written directly to me, for me, and about me. Read these verses and ask God to speak to you directly through them.

  1. We must accept that we are all inherently sinners: “As it is written, ‘There is none righteous, no, not one’” (Romans 3:10). I was unable to “be good” enough or God, for I am a sinful and unrighteous man by nature.
  1. We must understand that our sinful nature has consequences: “’Destruction and misery are in their ways; And the Way of Peace they have not known.’ ‘There is no fear of God before their eyes’” (Romans 3:16-18). The void in my life was a result of my Sin; my separation from God prevented me from knowing His true Peace.
  1. We must recognize the gravity of our Sin: “For the wages of sin is death…” (Romans 6:23). Any sin, even minor, condemns me because the wage—or the delineated earning power—of my Sin is death.

Upon learning and accepting this Truth, I was a tormented soul: if any sin, even the minute ones, earns me the wage of death, how could I possibly avoid this damnation? I tried to live a sinless life, and I learned that I absolutely cannot. This was a terrifying position of knowing that I am a sinner and not knowing Christ as my Savior. By the grace of God, I am no longer tormented by this dissonance, and I pray that any of you who are still living in this pitiable position may come to accept Christ as the One who came to bear their burden.

  1. We must trust in the Promise that there lies hope in this despair: “But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). This is the continuation of the previous verse. And what a relief! The due payment for my sin—death—is conquered by the gift of an Eternal Life in Christ Jesus. And this gift—not reward, for it has nothing to do with what I do, only with Who I believe—was the answer to my predicament of sin, my freedom for torment. And it will be yours, too!
  1. We must understand that we wicked sinners are the ones Christ came to save: “Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance” (Luke 5:31-32). I am the sinner that Christ died for. I had a soul-sickness that Christ offered Himself to heal. This Scripture was written for me, because I am the one in need of a Physician. How about you?


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: old things have passed away; behold, all things have become

Reconciliation with my family.

new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

 The incredible gift of salvation has given me a new life in Christ, a new view of the world through the lens of the Holy Spirit, and has blessed me with the Peace, Purpose, and Passion that I was lacking and longing for all my life. Today, I live with the Peace of God because I have found rest for my weary soul in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ:

 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Identified with Christ in Baptism – Embracing my neighbour John Miller

I no longer have to work to “do good” in a vain attempt to satisfy God, for God is satisfied with the final sacrificial Atonement of my Lord Jesus Christ—His blood is enough! Now I can rest assured, knowing Christ has done for me what I could never have done for myself, freeing me from my burden of sin.

Do you want to be free from the bondage of sin? Are you longing for peace in your life? Turn it over to Christ and let Him carry your burden.

What I am today and what I have to offer is a direct result of Christ’s work in my life. My humble desire is to share this gift that was so freely given to me—the gift of salvation—and help lead others closer to finding it for themselves.

My new desire is that God will be the foundation of our marriage, our family, and our home. My wife Sarah and I would like, to the best of our ability, be a testimony of God’s Amazing Grace in sending His Son into this world to save sinners like us.

The incredible Grace that God showed in saving a sinner like me has left me impassioned to do good in the world so that my life may bear witness to the Goodness of God: 

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.” Matthew 5:16

I pray that my testimony may speak to you, relate to you, and encourage you on your path to Christ, or renew within you a fresh zeal for the things of Christ. Remember that salvation is a personal journey because we have a personal Savior; no two stories are the same, but all stories bear witness to the unyielding and far-reaching power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There are many paths, but only one Way—and that way is Christ.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.  John 14:6 

If you would like to email Walker Jungers click here.

Walker Jungers – Loving my wife Sarah.



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