pramsay posted on May 16, 2006 08:32 1155 views

Sometimes there can be such unrest in our hearts. Turmoil, anxiety, fears, desperation, bitterness, despondency and darkness can sometimes sweep over us like a spiritual tsunami. It comes in like a wall, traveling at a very fast speed, and knocks us of our feet, carrying us to places we never intended to go in our minds. Moments, hours, days and weeks when we are overwhelmed and wonder if we will ever be able to get up and walk again spiritually.

The Christians in Thessalonica were going through a rough time. Persecution for being a Christian was not pleasant. As well, they were confused doctrinally. They thought they were already in the Day of the Lord and suffering through the Tribulation Period. Some had stopped working and said: “Why work? The Lord is coming; we might as well just do nothing until He comes.” Apparently they misunderstood the Apostle Paul’s first letter to them. He told them about the Rapture and how every Christian could look forward to being snatched away silently and secretly BEFORE the Day of the Lord commenced and BEFORE the Tribulation period began. There was considerable unrest and confusion.

Paul writes them to clarify some issues and just before he finishes his letter he says:

“Now the Lord of peace himself give you
peace always by all means.”
2 Thessalonians 3:16

The ‘God of Peace’ is common in the New Testament – but we only read the ‘Lord of peace’ in this one place: 2 Thessalonians 3:16. Always, at all times, without interruption and then he adds, by all means. The message is clear: Paul wants his Christian friends to experience ‘peace’ at all times and by every means available to the Lord. The ‘ways and means’ of the Lord are infinite. The oldest standing Committee of the US Congress is the Ways and Means Committee. It’s been around since 1789, although I suspect the original members have passed on. This powerful committee has the responsibility to look at the ways and means the Government has to afford the programs and services it wants to offer to Americans. But the Committee’s ‘ways and means’ are limited and finite. They can’t do everything they would like to do. The Lord’s ‘ways and means’ are beyond measure.

The Lord of Peace IS our peace (Ephesians 2:14) and He is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). He MADE ‘peace’ by the blood of His cross. (Colossians 1:20) We HAVE peace with God through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:1)

Dear child of God, the Lord is the Fountain and Dispenser of the peace that you are in need of today. His reservoirs never run dry during peak season. His storehouses are never depleted during a famine. He has every means at His disposal to calm your fears, to settle your heart, to reduce the pressure and to relieve your anxieties. He knows how to quell the storm and to silence the screaming doubts in the depths of your heart. He can sweeten bitter waters and soothe your wounded spirit. Remember the phrase: always by all means! The Lord of Peace Himself can do it for you. Be close to Him today and open yourself up to Him so He can pour in His peace.


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