pramsay posted on January 01, 2009 18:11 1815 views

More or Less of Your Bible in 2009?

May you have a spiritually progressive year, advancing in the things of God and growing in Christ.

Were you satisfied with the amount of time you were able to spend reading and studying your Bible over the past twelve months? Few of us will say ‘yes’. If that’s the case, how would you like 2009 to be different? Things just don’t happen. Progress happens by design. In fact, the chances of you spending more time in the Word of God in 2009 are slim – unless you make concrete plans to increase your intake of the Scriptures.

Start 2009 off right. Prepare your heart spiritually and your mind psychologically to commit to the regular, consistent and consecutive daily reading of your Bible throughout 2009.

Reading someone else’s daily devotionals is good. Even reading a Bible Bite on Tuesdays and Thursdays may be helpful – but you will starve to death spiritually if that’s the extent of your diet. If you want to have a robust year for the Lord in 2009 – there is no substitute for reading your Bible diligently and daily. Mere ‘bites’ will not do. We need a daily balanced intake of spiritual food if we are going to thrive spiritually for the Lord.  (Psalm 119:9-16)

All Scripture is breathed out by God

and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction,

and for training in righteousness,

that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.

2Timothy 3:16-17

The disciplined and methodical daily reading of your Bible is a must. We can look good and even behave well for a period of time without reading our Bibles but the façade can not last. No Christian is doing well who is not enjoying their Bible on a regular basis. I am not doing okay if I regularly go three or four days at a time without reading the Word of God.

There is a variety of Bible Reading Schedules available to you. Under the ‘Links’ section of you will see a website that provides a variety of options.

Are you afraid to start following a Bible Reading Schedule in case you miss a day or two here and there? You’re afraid to commit to a schedule in case you can’t follow it? You don’t like New Year Resolutions – because you can’t keep them?  What do you have to lose? Let’s say you followed the plan until March and then you got off track with the schedule…. what have you lost by following it in January, February and March? Nothing!!  Go for it! Try it!


  1. Before you read, pause to confess your sins to the Lord and ask Him to speak to your heart as you read His Word.
  2. Read prayerfully. As you read, pause at certain verses or phrases and speak with your Lord about what the verse means and how it might pertain to your own life.
  3. Block out a 30 minute time slot that is most likely to be convenient for you to read your Bible – the same time every day. Even if you have to set your alarm clock earlier – go for it. If you were training for the Olympics you would make the time to practise. Rigor and discipline is required. Satan will never hand you extra time on his silver platter to read your Bible. If you are going to read your Bible, you will have to TAKE the time.
  4. If you miss a day every now and then, don’t try to go back and catch up. You’ll find that too difficult and discouraging. If you have lost a day or a week because of extraordinary events in your life, just get back on schedule and read only where the Plan states you should read for that day. You can read the missed chapters next year, if the Lord spares you.
  5. If you have completed all your readings for the day and you are about to close your Bible without enjoying anything, force yourself to select one verse and mull it over in your mind for a few minutes and pray.  Let’s say you selected Job 21:13 out of your readings:  “They spend their days in wealth and in a moment go down to the grave.”   You could think of the wealth of sinners and how shallow it is compared to your wealth as a believer. You could think about ‘a moment’ – in a moment you could be at home with the Lord. In a moment the Lord could come and you could thank the Lord for the ‘moment’ you trusted Christ.  Or you could think about ‘going down to the grave.’ Your body may go down but you will go up. Praise God!  It may not seem like much, but at least, it is some little nugget for you to have in your mind as you go through your day. Underline that phrase or that verse in your Bible. Jot down your little thought in a note pad and date it.
  6. Get at least one other friend to adopt the same plan and then challenge each other with the Lord’s help to follow the Plan.
  7. Your daily reading according to a schedule is the minimum. Every Christian should also spend time ‘studying’ the Word of God.

If you would like me to email you three Bible Reading Plan options, just send a one line request to [email protected] and I will email you three plans for your consideration.

May the Lord richly bless you and yours throughout 2009.

Walk carefully and closely with the Lord today.

Warmly in Christ

Peter Ramsay

[email protected]
