pramsay posted on May 20, 2010 17:22 2099 views

Bible Bites


It’s Evil to EYE Someone

Have you ever caught yourself EYEING someone? I don’t mean EYEING someone for the purposes of sensual desire. But I do mean EYEING someone with desire – like a desire to find dirt on them, to find a reason to slander their name, a desire to bring them down or knock them out. A desire to make other people dislike them too.

I was reading this morning that King Saul engaged himself in an unhealthy practice:

Saul EYED David from that day on.”

1 Samuel 18:9

 King Saul went ballistic when he heard the lyrics of #1 on the Top Ten.  It was a catchy tune and the lyrics were simple: “Saul has struck down his thousands and David his ten thousands.”  (1Samuel 18:7) King Saul was furious.

“How dare the women from the cities of Israel come out to meet me, singing such an anthem!  I am the King. All the show-off David did was kill a puny little giant – anybody could have done that. What’s so special about David?!! Why is everyone going crazy over him? He’s not as good as they’re making him out to be. If they keep singing that, I will lose my throne. I am going to watch every move he makes from now on. I will bring him down one way or another – if not by slander, I will slug him one and that will be the end of his fun in the sun. I will not stop at anything; this has got to end.”

Well, you don’t read those words in the Bible but jealousy and envy can produce such thoughts within our hearts. Jealousy fears to lose what it has; envy is the pain of seeing another have what you want. We are jealous of our own possessions. We are envious of another person’s possessions.  King Saul was jealous of his throne – no one was going to take that away from him. He would fight to the bitter end to remove any and all threats. David was his big threat. Saul was also envious of the praise being heaped on David.  He fumed with rage as people sang David’s praises.

If you are EYEING someone, you’re heading for disaster.  It will have a tragic end. If you’re EYEING a peer who is progressing well spiritually and you are bugged by all the positive comments, confess your sin quickly. Some Christian girl is honoring her Lord in modesty and in headship and she seems to know her Bible really well.  “Who does Miss Prissy think she is! Her personality is pathetic. Everybody can see through her. She’s just out to impress. I can read her like a book.”  Envy. 

A young Christian guy is studying his Bible and when he speaks in the local assembly, many whisper: “I believe that young man has a bit of a gift.”  Like a flash – it leaps into my mind: “Sure, he knows how to impress. He’s so shallow. Tons of others guys are better at speaking than he is. Why do they think he’s so good?!” Envy – wanting what he has. It probably is jealousy too – afraid he is going to pass me spiritually.

“Jealousy is as cruel as the grave.”  Song of Solomon 8:6.  Envy and jealousy are NOT spiritual qualities – they are carnal liabilities. The rotten works of the flesh. (Galatians 5:19-21)  Jealousy and envy have ruptured friendships; shattered fellowships; torn apart assemblies and have wrecked lives.

If you’ve been EYEING someone, confess it today. Choose to abandon all such thoughts concerning that person. Pray every day that the Lord will strengthen her and use her for His glory. If you don’t abandon that envy/jealousy, it will wreck you spiritually and be potentially destructive to your ‘target’ as well.

Walk carefully and closely with the Lord today.

Warmly in Christ

Peter Ramsay

[email protected]
