pramsay posted on May 13, 2010 17:17 1823 views

Bible Bites


Public Opinion is Important

In a defiant moment have you ever muttered: “I don’t really care what people think. If there’s nothing wrong with it, I’ll do it.”  Perhaps you’ve never diagnosed yourself with the ‘spirit of rebellion’ or the ‘selfishness syndrome’ but if you heard someone outside of your circle of friends saying the same words what would you think? How would you feel if your teacher said, on more than one occasion: “I don’t really care what the students think. If it’s my right as a teacher, I’ll do it regardless! I’m not worried about their feelings. I’ll run rip shod over their concerns.” Great teacher?

We may say such words but the Apostle Paul didn’t.  We get a little insight into Paul’s sensitivity and integrity,  as well as his concern about public opinion. The context is the handling of money.  Paul was very cautious to avoid suspicion and blame. He didn’t want to leave any room for someone to accuse him of questionable activity. Sure, he may have fully trusted himself and his ability to handle money honestly. But here is what he wrote:

We take this course so that no one should blame us

about this generous gift that is being administered by us,

for we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight

but also in the sight of man.

(2Corinthians 8:20-21)

Did I ever avoid doing something, in case someone might use it against me and say: “Some Christian he is?”  In the matter of handling money, Paul took every precaution to avoid questions, red flags and concerns.“We aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man.” In other words, Paul is saying – “Yes, it matters what people think.”

 It is not good enough to be declared technically right or legally honest when our work is scrutinized by experts. It’s not enough to say: “The Lord knows the difference and He sees how it all balances out.”  It needs to not only ‘be’ honest, it needs to ‘look‘ honest in the sight of our neighbors, employees and friends.

In the context, we learn we should never handle someone else’s money alone. This applies to a local assembly, on the job, in a volunteer position or on behalf of family. Unless it is your own personal money, always make sure two or more people are in charge of the money. Otherwise, you are leaving yourself wide open to accusations and temptation.  

But beyond the handling of money, everything we do must not only be right in the Lord’s eyes, it should look right in the public eye.  Paul said in Acts 24:16, “Herein do I exercise myself to have ALWAYS a conscience void of offence toward God and toward men.”  He used the word ‘always’ to show that it did not depend on the situation; he was always careful to not only BE honest but to APPEAR TO BEhonest in the sight of everyone. Lawyers and accountants may find the loopholes and, in a convoluted way, prove someone’s innocence; but Paul used a higher standard. He said he wanted the ordinary Joe to think it was honest and acceptable too, without having to read the technical conclusion of a court of law. 

A very good question to ask myself is this: “Would I feel comfortable seeing this matter splashed across the front page of our local newspaper or online?”   If not, then don’t do it. Public Opinion is important. Remember, it is not only in the sight of the Lord that matters.  Our testimony is at stake.

Walk carefully and closely with the Lord today.

Warmly in Christ

Peter Ramsay

[email protected]
