Scroll to the end to see the list of videos published to date.

Idioms, metaphors and proverbs are common expressions or sayings in any language that sometimes we don’t understand. Idioms, in particular often need to be explained if the context is not apparent – like “It’s raining cats and dogs.” Proverbs, on the other hand usually make sense but their relevance and application may need to be explained.

Often, we have to look up these expressions to make sure we understand them correctly. How embarrassing would it be to use an idiom or a proverb incorrectly thinking we were adding colour and wisdom to our conversation!

These videos will try to trace the origin or history of the expression, explain its meaning today and also relate it to a Bible truth for a deep spiritual lesson in life.

These short under-ten-minute videos are being posted on our YouTube Channel. Adults and children alike should find this entire series informative. If you are an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher or student you will also find these short videos relevant.

Expressions like:

  • turning over a new leaf
  • bigger fish to fry
  • elephant in the room
  • flash in the pan
  • you don’t have a leg to stand on
  • I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it
  • the writing is on the wall

and more will be added to this series.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel so you will be alerted to each new video added. We will not be sending out from this website a ‘Life Lesson’ post for each new video. But if you click on the link(s) below and subscribe on YouTube and click on the notification icon, you will receive alerts for each video added.

Click below to watch the videos published to date.

Turning Over a New Leaf

I’ll Cross that Bridge when I Come to It

The Elephant in the Room

Bigger Fish to Fry

Flash in the Pan

Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

All Bent Out of Shape

Don’t Rain on My Parade

No Such Thing as a Free Lunch ( Coming May 9th, 2022)

More to come. Keep checking.


