Suppose you have a friend who is dying from a certain illness. Just two years ago, you received the same devastating news from your doctor. The same diagnosis in the same part of your body. Through your research, you came across a cure in Sweden and it was no hoax. You were cured 100%. As you read this Bible Bite today, you are enjoying a clean bill of health. But you have just heard the sad news about your friend.

What are you going to do? If the person isn’t even a friend or an acquaintance – you would still feel guilty if you didn’t try to share your story with them. It’s quite possible if you only saw the person’s plight in the news, you would still attempt to reach out to them – track them down in a rather urgent way.

Here’s the point of this hypothetical situation: a deadly disease can only take your friend to the cemetery. Something far worse will take your friend to Hell. Sin is the worst diagnosis of all. And you will be talking to someone today who has it.

What are you going to do? Keep what you know totally secret? It’s almost criminal not to tell the person.

Can you imagine what would happen if you and all your friends took this seriously – and, if I did too? The results would be overwhelmingly amazing. Oh, you may not see immediate results. The person you tell will want to do their own research. Your friend will tuck your story away in her memory bank. When her sin flares up or if she starts thinking about God later – even months or years from now – guess what story will be retrieved from her memory bank? Yours! The remedy that worked for you.

Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.
lm 66:16

Never in the history of Christianity have Christians had so many venues to be able to share their story. How am I using Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.? Are we communicating the cure? Who did you last tell? Remember, you don’t need to preach a huge sermon.

Here’s an example of what you could say – but it could be even much, much shorter.

“Well, I will tell you what God did for me. I used to be plagued by guilt and fear. I had no peace. I worried about the afterlife. I found out that Christ was the remedy for my darkness. When I trusted Him as my Saviour – He brought light to my darkness. He gave me peace.”

If she asks for more – you can tell her more. But start with something very short, respectful, relevant and simple. Give her the basics. Let her know that Christ was your cure.

If every reader of this Bible Bite posted one Gospel tidbit or a Christ-focused verse on all their frequently-used social media platforms today – think of the thousands who would be exposed to the cure just today. But remember – our responsibility does not stop with just sharing the cure on social media. There’s something very impactful about looking into someone’s eyes and sharing your story with them.

We are responsible to ‘tell’ people. Of course, that means the cure must also be evident in how we live before them. St. Francis of Assisi said centuries ago: “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary, use words.”

Walk carefully and closely with the Lord today.

Warmly in Christ
Peter Ramsay

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