What do geneticists, ornithologists, astronomers, physicists, zoologists, oceanographers, meteorologists, lepidopterists and microbiologists all have in common? What do microbes have in common with minerals? Or flitting butterflies with distant stars? Or tiny hummingbirds with tiny atoms? Or deep ocean floors with marsupial koalas? What’s the connection?

God, the works of God and the study thereof.

What do Calvary and the cosmos have in common? Or do you see any link between the cross and creation? What do sinners redeemed by precious blood have in common with the solar system or the ecosystem? God and the works of God.

Praise the LORD! I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them. Full of splendor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures forever. Psalm 111:1-3

Who was the deep, reflective thinker penning this Psalm? We don’t know. He wasn’t an amateur poet. We are told that in the original Hebrew language, there’s a very deliberate and intriguing structure behind this Psalm. You can study that for yourself. But more importantly, the poet was obviously meditatively delighting over his great God. His works are great because He is great.  A great God wouldn’t do un-great things.

It’s no small wonder that many scientists who have delighted in studying the great works of the universe have concluded that a mighty and awesome God is behind it all. Even sailors, from a ship’s deck, have peered into the night sky and concluded: “God is for real.”

Not a few atheists, agnostics and skeptics have repented as they studied the facts. They did what they never intended to do – they acknowledged God and embraced Christ as their Saviour. The stories of such conversions are many.

Of all the amazing and delightful works of God, there’s one that surpasses all others in absolute beauty and wonder. If the work of Creation is breath-taking, the work of Redemption is heart-bowing. The more we study and ponder it – the more delight we find in it. The story of God’s love for sinners expressed fully at the Cross is one of staggering proportions that will never be fathomed throughout the eternal ages. Redemption and salvation.

Isn’t there a verse that goes something like this: “For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He (even) gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.” John 3:16 Amplified

Swamped with studies? Don’t neglect the study of the great works of the Lord and the heart-warming study of Christ and the greatest of all works accomplished at the Cross. Find your delight in the great works of God.

Meditation leads to captivation which produces motivation. If my spiritual motivation is low, it’s because my meditation is low, lax and lagging. When my heart is captivated, I will be motivated.

Walk carefully and closely with the Lord today.

Warmly in Christ
Peter Ramsay

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