What was Paul Simon referring to when he penned his lyrics – “Slip slidin’ away, Slip slidin’ away, You know the nearer your destination, The more you’re slip slidin’ away?”  Did he mean the closer you are to having something, the greater the disappointment will be as it eludes your reach and grasp? Just when you think you’ve got certainty, you’re crushed by the inevitability of seeing it drift away from you – or you from it? Setbacks prevent you from reaching your destination. Your goal fades – like seeing the coastline of your destination grow smaller and fainter as the headwinds gradually push you further away.

Christians can feel that way sometimes too. Some worry they may lose their salvation just when they need it most. Others continually fret about whether they’re safe or not. Will they, in fact, survive the storm or somehow break loose and drift away into spiritual oblivion or eternal damnation?

 [We] have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus…”  Hebrews 6:18-20

The Hebrew Epistle was written to those who were beginning to wonder if they were safe. Was what they had or who they had the real thing – the right thing? After all, what did they have to show for it? With the old religion, they at least had things they could see with their own two eyes and touch too – even hear with their ears. But this new ‘Christian’ thing was lacking in concrete, touchable and tangible things. Was it wishy-washy and flimsy? Could they really feel secure, and what was their security based upon?

When the winds are howling, and the ship is tossed on the waves of the ocean with a rocky shoal in the distance, and the anchor is dropped, what happens? That massive piece of rugged iron, once resting on the bow of the ship, disappears into the billowy waves of the ocean and sinks to the bottom. It might look like it’s gone and no longer useful because it has disappeared from view. But in reality, its new location provides the very assurance of safety the mariners need.

Our spiritual ‘hope’ anchor does not rest in the depths of the sea – it is securely fastened in the heights of Heaven – inside, not outside its gates; in the inner sanctuary where our Rock now is. Unseen to natural eyes but not to the eye of faith!

I am not anchored to my feelings or my faith. My soul is safe and secure, anchored to the Rock Christ Jesus. The old cables of faith may strain, shudder and shake in the storms of life – but thank God I am anchored eternally to my immovable Rock – Christ.  I can’t slip and slide away from Christ and end up lost in Hell.

One more thing – metaphors have their limitations. Yes – the Rock is Christ. But also, my Christian Hope is Christ Himself. My Anchor is Christ. Safe and secure forever!

Can you think of anything today for which you can be thankful? Anchored firmly to the Rock Christ Jesus!

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