Finish it. Go ahead.  Years ago, one might have said – all the trees of the forest could never supply enough paper to record my reasons for loving the Lord. Today we would probably say all the memory clouds couldn’t supply enough space to record all the becauses. Whether that is poetic-expression, the fact remains, we couldn’t begin to count the reasons ‘why’ we should love the Lord – especially when we move from the macro to the micro-level.

The Psalmist who wrote Psalm 116, probably wasn’t the first person to be overwhelmed with gratitude as he thought of the blessings and goodness of the Lord. But by putting it in writing, it has become a part of the eternal record – the Word of God.

So many people enjoy Psalm 116 thinking of Christ Himself on Resurrection morning as He bursts into thanksgiving to His Father for answered prayer. Jews know this Psalm as one of the beautiful Hallel songs sung around Passover time. In fact, Psalm 116 was probably one of the Psalms sung by Jesus with His disciples before they left the Upper Room for Gethsemane that dark night. Others have said that next to Psalm 23, Psalm 116 is the most beautiful psalm.

Here is how it starts:

I love the LORD, because He has heard My voice and my supplications. Psalm 116:1

If you were going to try to list the reasons why you love the Lord, where would you start – at the micro-level or the macro? Would you start with the last glass of water you had or with the fact that there is water in the tap for the next glass? Is that something to be thankful for? Is that one of the reasons why I should love God? Absolutely! Cultivate a thankful spirit.

I need to nurture a heart of gratitude by being conscious of every little blessing or goodness I enjoy – not just the big break-through blessings.  Sometimes we actually pause and think: “It’s only a cup of coffee we’re drinking. Do we need to give thanks for this?”  Just a second – do we need to give thanks? Probably at the root of such thinking is: “Why bother taking the time? It’s not that special or great.”

It’s such an onerous task sometimes to be thankful at the micro. Why is that? Personally, I fear that some of us have so much that we take too much for granted?

At the macro level, we can easily say we love the Lord because Christ died for our sins and we never ever deserved such love. In fact, every blessing we enjoy this day – big or small can be traced to Calvary. Even if we are shamefully unthankful for the little blessings, even the briefest stop at the foot of the Cross will cause us to say all over again: “I love the Lord because..”

We have a ‘because’ fueling our love for the Lord. But was there a ‘because’ prompting His love for you? Why would He ever love me? Was there something loveable about me – about you? Did He say to the angels before embarking on His mission to earth and to the Cross:  “I love the people down there because ..?”  Because of their rebellion? Their pride? Their corruption? Their crooked ways? Their – their what?  He loved us without a cause and that is why my heart should erupt in praise and thanksgiving.

Take five minutes just now and, starting at the micro-level, tell the Lord why you are thankful. Conclude at the macro level – where we all usually begin: “I love you, Lord, because of Calvary and for bearing the heavy load of my sin – for saving me.”

Walk carefully and closely with the Lord today,

Warmly in Christ
Peter Ramsay

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