pramsay posted on March 28, 2006 02:34 1108 views

Why did they pick Maggie to be the Sunday School teacher? Why is it that Phil was asked to be responsible for arranging the speakers for the next month? Why did they ask Sarah to take charge of ensuring the waiting rooms at the hospitals and doctors’ offices always have current issues of the Gospel magazine?

Nehemiah was returning to Persia after completing his mission to his home land/city of Jerusalem. He had orchestrated a massive reconstruction project. The great city had been wrecked by enemies. Nehemiah spearheaded the rebuilding of the walls and gates of the city and with his excellent leadership skills, instilled a renewed hope and trust in God among the people. Now it was time for him to return to Persia. Who would he leave in charge?

Nehemiah had his eye on two men who had a solid track record of faithfulness, integrity and God-fearingness. Hanani and Hananiah were given the responsibility for the reconstructed city of Jerusalem – no small little job!!

Why them? Because Nehemiah knew them and trusted them. Of Hananiah it says:

“..he was a faithful man and feared God above many.”
Nehemiah 7:2

Faithfulness means consistency, honesty, truthful, integrity, trustworthy and dependable. This quality was further enhanced by his deep spirituality and relationship with the Lord. In fact, more so than many others, Hananiah put God first in his life.

Can I be trusted? Do the Christians really know me? If there is a job to be done would other Christians think of me and say: “Well, you know who would be perfect for that? Peter. He can always be counted on to follow through on things. He is very consistent. He is always there when you need him. He hasn’t got a spotty record – on fire for the Lord one week and then off the radar screen the next week! No – we always know what he is up to. He acts so responsibly. He can be trusted. He’s not up and down like a yo-yo. Mr. Bible student one month and then goofing off for the next three months. No – we’ve been observing a real solid track record of spiritual growth. His knowledge of the Bible is increasing and his attitude is getting sweeter and ….. well, he’s just a real blessing to have around! We can trust him with that responsibility.”

How’s that for a plug for yourself!! No – that was not me. I was just making that up to make a point!

Responsibilities and spiritual work is not assigned based on seniority i.e. how long a person has been saved or how long they’ve been around. A gray haired Christian could still be a spiritual neophyte – even though he has seniority. No, God’s work is for Christians who are demonstrating faithfulness and spirituality – above and beyond others. That’s why Paul wrote young Timothy (1 Timothy 4:12) and said: “Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Be consistent in all facets of your life for the Lord and the Lord will see to it that you have more than enough to do! He will use you.


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