pramsay posted on March 09, 2006 12:54 1480 views

How much effort do I put into discovering the greatest treasure in the universe? Thousands of people from around the world come to Oak Island in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia to search for the fabled Captain Kidd’s treasure. Since the 1600’s there have been stories that Captain William Kidd buried a hoard of treasures on an island ‘east of Boston’. People like President Franklin D. Roosevelt, John Wayne and others have been lured to this little island in pursuit of the treasure. Millions of dollars have been spent and six lives lost in the last 200 years as people have searched for the elusive treasure. They aren’t sure of the exact spot where it is buried. Maybe with the new long range directional detector, that uses the Biotronic Classifier System and locates only Gold, just maybe someone will have better success locating Captain Kidd’s gold.

But you’re a christian, right? This news should give you a shot of adrenalin. Here it is: Colossians 2:3: “…Christ, in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” We don’t have to speculate and spend time trying to figure out where the true treasure is – we are given the exact location of the treasure. Christ! So it is a sure find once I get there. How much time and effort am I putting in to searching-out this treasure?

The more I study and enjoy Christ in the Scriptures, the richer my find will be. Most treasure seekers spend the bulk of their time just trying to locate the treasure and then when they do, the treasure is often disappointingly small and can be exhausted in a short period of time. Well, God has kindly told us the exact location of the treasure – so we don’t have to waste precious time trying to find the gold. We know where it is – it’s just a matter of mining it! The supply is inexhaustible and available to all. Why then, have I not been mining for this gold lately? Is it because I treasure something else in my life? Other treasures have my attention, my time, my energy and my _e_r_.

If Christ is the treasure chest and the treasure itself, He will have my heart. Divided affections won’t be a problem. Matthew 6:21 says: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” If Christ is my treasure, then He will have my heart. He will have my time. He will dominate my thoughts. He will have first dibs on my pay cheque. If He doesn’t – I must have another treasure. Don’t miss the connection between your treasure and your heart.

Get serious about mining the gold. Dig into your Bible today and every day and find more and more of Christ. Can you imagine what it would be like if we all doubled our efforts…if we all spent twice as much time as we have been spending mining for Christ in our Bibles? Guess what? There’d be some radical changes! The more gold of this kind we find, the more our lifestyles will be changed for God’s glory.

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# Anonymous
Tuesday, March 28, 2006 6:56 AM

It was thrilling to realize more, the truth of this! An opportunity for such treasure with all the equipment made available for our use. Treasure to be had at every level of digging! Thank you Peter, for sharing your finds with us weekly and encouraging us to mine the area of life that the Lord has put us in and to also share our finds with others…

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