pramsay posted on June 17, 2009 03:23 2048 views

No Funeral Procession for Your Priest

She wasn’t very pleased as she sat with her ailing husband in the doctor’s office. She explained that her husband was getting very forgetful but she added: “At least, he’s got a doctor.” Her own doctor up and died three years ago and she hasn’t been able to find a new doctor yet. She misses having a doctor who is familiar with her medical history. She finds it very unsettling going to a different doctor each time. She tries to explain her problem and how it might be associated with a symptom she had three years ago but she doesn’t have much confidence that the doctor-of-the-day is seeing the complete picture.

In the Old Testament, the Jews took their problems and their failures to a priest. He was the intercessor, the middle man between them and God. They got to know their local priest and he knew them and their family history inside out. Disputes were often brought to him. Health concerns like leprosy were brought to the priest. Matters related to holiness and justice came to the priest. Spiritual guidance was offered by the priest and sins were taken to him and sacrifices were made.

During the lifetime of a priest you can imagine what a pivotal role he must have played in the everyday life of the townsfolk. How disturbing and troubling to the villagers it must have been when the priest died. Who will replace him? Will he view things the same way? Will the replacement be as patient and understanding as the old priest? Will the successor understand what our family has been through? The death of a priest was a major disruption in a community and a time of anxious uncertainty as they adjusted to the new priest.

Dear Christian, you’re not living back in the Old Testament days! Christ is your Great High Priest. He knows the intimate details of your life and He is touched with the feeling of your infirmities and can sympathize with your weaknesses. In His perfect manhood, He lived right here as a child, as a teenager and as an adult. He experienced life on this earth too – everything, but totally free from sin. He knows all about the ups and downs of life and the harsh realities of living in a world so damaged by sin. Read Hebrews 4:15-16.

But here’s a thrilling thought: your Great High Priest is permanent! He died once but he will never die again. He now lives forever to make intercession for you. Child of God, relax! There will be no disruption in His role on your behalf. He lives forever. He has the file on your life. Your Christian file will never be handed over to a successor who may treat you differently. Christ is yours forever!

“The former priests were many in number, because they were prevented by death from continuing in office,

but he (Christ) holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues forever.

Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him,

since he always lives to make intercession for them.”

Hebrews 7:23-25 ESV

Don’t neglect to speak to your Great High Priest today. He is there for you. You can take the smallest problem or the heaviest load to Him. He lives to keep you.

Walk carefully and closely with the Lord today.

Warmly in Christ

Peter Ramsay

[email protected]


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