Blessed is the man that … nor sitteth in the seat of the Scorner” Psalm 1:1 KJV

How blessed is the man who does not … Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! Psalm 1:1 NASB

Psalm 1 presents three “postures” of the blessed man. It refers to his walking, standing, and sitting. Each of these may convey a different thought ranging from activity, to availability, and then attitude. This righteous man is marked by separation from the activities suggested by ungodly men; he does not stand and make himself available for sinners; and he avoids sitting in judgment and scorn of others.

Each of these “postures” can be traced in the life of the Lord Jesus in each of the Gospel records. In the Gospel of John, we find the Lord Jesus sitting on several occasions; on each, we see Him avoiding a scornful attitude.

The first time we encounter Him sitting, is by a well in John 4. The normal attitude of the Jews toward Samaritans was one of scorn. But how different He is! Rather than a scornful attitude, there is a sympathetic and longing heart. Jews might scorn her for her nationality; neighbours might even scorn her for immorality. But Christ loved her because of eternity.

Again, in John 6, He is sitting on a mountain side. A multitude is gathered and it is time to eat. He challenges the confidence His disciples have in Him by telling them, “Whence shall we buy bread that these may eat?” Philip, occupied with the massive need, and Andrew aware of the meager supply, both fail the test. But instead of scorn over their lack of faith in Him, He actually employs them in service as He distributes the food to them to give to the crowd. He was never scornful over the failure of His own, but patient and gracious.

John 8 finds the Lord sitting, this time, in the temple. Scornful and haughty men drag a woman taken in adultery into His presence. They finally thought they had the Lord on the horns of a dilemma. Yet, with what a marvelous combination of grace and truth the Lord deals with her! Truth is maintained – “Go and sin no more.” And grace is displayed – “Neither do I condemn thee.” And scorn is totally absent from His dealings with her.

In chapter 12, He is seated once again in the home of those favored three in Bethany. Judas may be marked by scorn and selfish motive, but not Christ. He commends what Judas and the others condemn. Appreciation was a hallmark of His attitude toward others. A few verses later He is seated once again; this time it is on a colt (v 14) as He enters the city. In meekness and majesty, He enters the city soon to cry out for His blood.

The last occurrence in John is the well-known scene of chapter 13 when He was seated in the upper room. Despite the pride and reluctance of disciples to wash each other’s feet, scorn is absent from His attitude. He arose and washed their feet and then sat down again. No word of rebuke; no strident tones of criticism; He is gracious and kind.

Scornful men look down on others from a perch of self-righteous super-knowledge. The righteous One, Who is also the omniscient One, never was marked by it. He is the ultimate “blessed Man.”


  1. Retrace all these locations where the Lord sat and notice all the moral virtues He displayed.
  2. Look at the four or five mentions of the scorner in Proverbs and contrast that with the Lord Jesus Christ.

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