Unless one has been convicted of a serious crime, it’s impossible to understand the intense emotions of relief and joy one would have when the highest authority in the land forgives you of all wrongdoing and wipes your slate clean. But in this case, the great feeling vanished quickly. 

The upwardly mobile 37-year-old real estate developer and marketing consultant in New York must have been ecstatic to learn that his record was wiped clear. The President of the United States erased his $6 million swindling conviction and pronounced him legally clean and clear!

Isaac R. Toussie, Credit: New York Times

Even though Isaac R. Toussie had served his time, his record still hung over his head, and very few felt sorry for him. A segment of the working-class population detested Mr. Toussie. He had deceived, cheated and lied to hundreds of unsuspecting, vulnerable people.

Toussie had promised lower-income, inexperienced homebuyers lovely homes in suburban neighbourhoods. But that’s not what they got. Shoddily built homes in poor neighbourhoods at inflated prices with hefty mortgage payments was the bottom line of Toussie’s outstanding real estate deal. Nor were there any property tax deferrals or reductions as promised. Many alleged he was preying on minorities.

Mr. Toussie desperately wanted to be pardoned for his crimes. He just couldn’t wait. He wanted a pardon and applied to the President of the United States long before he was legally allowed to request forgiveness.

43rd President of the United States of America, President George W. Bush – Credit NBC
Pardon Granted

What a Tuesday it must have been for Isaac R. Toussie! His request had been processed. Forgiven by the President himself – with all the authority of the Oval Office behind the transaction! Yes, pardoned. The miserable dark spots on his record that were so humiliating and damaging to his future were wiped out by a Presidential decree on Tuesday, December 23.

Pardon Revoked

But the thrill and relief were short-lived. On Christmas Eve, President George W. Bush changed his mind. He said new information caused him to cancel the pardon. Yes, the pardon was revoked twenty-four hours later.

Do You Need Forgiveness? Do You Need a Pardon?

You aren’t a swindler or a shyster. You may have a super clean record – here on earth. But God keeps records, too. Based on His evidence, all of us have been pronounced guilty of sin. (Romans 3:19) We’ve been convicted, and our record contains every sin and every offence we have ever committed – even the secret and private ones no one else knows about.

God Offers an Irrevocable Pardon

Here’s the good news – a full pardon is available. The offer is not from the Oval Office of a White House but from Heaven – from the very Throne of the Almighty God. God offers you a pardon that will grant you complete forgiveness and a clean record.

God’s pardon is not based on your improved performance or on any merit of your own. It is entirely based on His Son, Jesus Christ. Christ died for sinners. His blood was shed at the Cross. Jesus took the penalty of our sins. And because Christ died for your sins, you can be granted full forgiveness for every sin – yes, every sin!

What Does God’s Word Say?

The blood of Jesus Christ, His [God’s] Son, cleanses us from all sin.” 1John 1:7

The Bible reveals to us a God who is anxious to forgive those who have sinned against Him and One who is willing to freely grant an abundant pardon.

“Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. Isaiah 55:6-7

In Him (Jesus) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7

Is there any danger of God revoking your pardon or cancelling your forgiveness 24 hours later or when new information emerges? Absolutely not! He is not dealing with faulty evidence or incomplete information. He knows everything.

Bible material

But there is a very real danger of you missing out on the pardon. Those who ignore His offer of a pardon or reject it will never experience forgiveness and will suffer eternally for their own sins.

Have you experienced the relief of God’s irrevocable pardon – the relief of knowing your record is completely clear with the Lord?


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