No one wants it to happen. People travel purposefully — not aimlessly. When they set out, they have a desired destination in mind. A very small slice of society can fly or sail frequently on trips to carefully chosen locations. For others, their dream destination may be on their bucket list for years. Eventually, everything comes together, and they embark on their once-in-a-lifetime trip to the destination of their dreams. No one envisions a destination other than the one they plan for.

Rerouting the Cruise Ship

When you prepare for a cruise to the balmy Bahamas in mid-winter, the furthest thought from your mind is shivering in the cold and being bundled up in winter clothing. And yet, the passengers onboard the MSC Meraviglia had to face that harsh reality. They found themselves rushing to the nearest Walmart to buy gloves, sweaters and winter coats to shield themselves from the bitter cold of a northeastern Canadian destination rather than sailing into Port Nassau or Ocean Cay.

Disembarking at Port Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. (Photo Credit: CTV)

Spiritually, I thought of people expecting to arrive at one eternal destination after death but finding themselves in quite another place.

Too Late to Change

In fairness to MSC cruise line, they gave their passengers a heads-up 24 hours before the cruise ship left Brooklyn, NY. Unusual stormy weather caused the last-minute diversion to Saint John, New Brunswick in eastern Canada. The Bahamas destination was no longer possible.

It’s an understatement to say the last-minute change left the passengers scrambling, and many of them deeply disappointed.

Lakeya Allen, one of the passengers, who had arranged a joint family holiday with her best friend, told Good Morning America that the news was “devastating.” She said the notice of the change came so late she felt she had no choice at all. (1)  The cruise line said it offered options for those who were not happy with the late change in plans and the new destination. But some passengers didn’t read the small print, and others who did, said it was too late to change.

Called into winter action, a Canadian Greeter welcomes passengers with a Canadian Flag. (Photo Credit: CTV)
“No Guarantee” in the Small Print

According to those in the cruise ship industry the scenario of bad weather disrupting the cruise’s itinerary is not unusual. In fact, the fine print in the carrier’s contract usually states: “The Carrier does not guarantee that the Cruise Ship will call at any or every advertised port or follow any particular route or time schedule.” (2)

It wasn’t a bad joke. The MSC Meraviglia, with approximately 3000 passengers onboard, docked at Port Saint John (NB) on Thursday, December 21st. Carolers from Saint John High School welcomed and serenaded the ship. As the passengers disembarked, they were greeted by a winter wind chill of minus 13C. In true Canadian style, the officials of the city tried to give their guests a warm welcome, even though most touristy shops and sights were shuttered and closed for the winter season.

Griffin Malave, 11, and his mother Laurel Malave of Cleveland decided to make the most of the cruise and experience Canada. (Graham Thompson/CBC )
Port Heaven

Spiritually, we are sailing through life. When people think of their final destination, they imagine their little ship docking at Port Heaven – a place of eternal peace, happiness and beautiful activity that transcends anything ever experienced on Earth. But not everyone disembarks in Heaven. Jesus was very clear about that.

Sobering Reality

The Bible teaches that far too many needlessly arrive at the wrong port – the unwanted destination. Jesus told the story of a well-to-do gentleman who lived a good life but ended up in the Port of Destruction. Devastating, yes! But also irreversible and eternal. Jesus alone was qualified to pull back the curtain and provide a glimpse of what happens beyond death. You can read His words in Luke 16:19-31

Beautiful Message

The beautiful message of the Bible is that absolutely no one should miss Port Heaven. Those who do must tragically ignore, avoid or turn down the most incredible gift of eternal life through personal faith in Jesus Christ. Christ paid the full fare to Heaven — if we can put it that way. When Christ died for our sins on the Cross, He made it possible for even the worst sinner to experience complete forgiveness and a sure home in Heaven.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

God’s gift of eternal life (which includes a present ongoing beautiful relationship with Him in this life and Heaven afterwards) is totally a gift. No one earns merit or travel points for Heaven. Good works, sincere religious practices, baptism or anything else are not part of God’s equation for you to be granted eternal life.

This life is in His Son. 1John 5:11

It is not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:9

He saved us—not by works of righteousness that we had done, but according to His mercy … Titus 3:5

Bible material
Guaranteed Arrival                              

There is no small print in the Bible that allows for exceptions, unforeseen circumstances and uncontrollable factors. Repeatedly, the Bible confirms that eternal life and Heaven does not depend on our performance or human effort or how religious we are. The moment any sinner turns to Christ for forgiveness and salvation, God saves them without exception. Every person, including you, qualifies for God’s eternal salvation.

there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus… Romans 8:1

neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

Once a sinner turns from their sins and trusts Christ – He is their security. Nothing can ever sever that relationship or cause insecurity. Bad weather may disrupt and reroute a cruise ship – but nothing can change or cancel the security you will have in Christ the moment you turn to Him in faith.

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Personal Advance Reservation Required

After the last breath has been taken, a person’s destination is sealed for the eternal ages. Prayers for the dead will never change one’s eternal destination. Where you will be forever is determined by the choice you make in this life about Jesus Christ – and nothing else. There are no reruns or second chances afterwards. God doesn’t reconsider anyone’s case after death. There are no appeals.

Prepare to meet your God. Amos 4:12

God’s Reservation Line is Open Right Now

In this life, God’s reservation line is open and fully operational 24-7. Even the faintest cry of a broken heart registers in Heaven. You will never be put on hold or be required to listen to a recording, nor will you be told to come back on Monday. God is prepared to do business with you and grant you a fully paid reservation when you call.

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:13

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