If people could climb a staircase that eventually led to Heaven after a long and virtuous life, many would eagerly start the climb without delay. If steps to Heaven could be counted, many would want to know how many there were. Even if the staircase involved uneven steps and multiple curves, steep sections, narrow passages and rail-less steps at dizzying heights, there would still be those willing to undertake this challenging ascent. Many would still embark on the arduous climb.

While several buildings on Earth now surpass the height of Canada’s CN Tower, one glance at Toronto’s breathtaking skyline would confirm that the CN Tower dramatically surpasses its neighbouring skyscrapers in height. Most would find the climb to its peak a daunting challenge – one that would exhaust even the most physically fit person at any gym. It’s a vertical climb of 1,776 steps. Most of us take the mall escalator rather than climb a mere fifty steps to the next level.

Walter Decker of Hamilton, Ontario made national news when he climbed all 1776 steps to the top of the CN Tower. Decker was accompanied by his 72-year-old son, his 40-year-old grandson and others. Astonishingly, the 99-year-old Decker reached the summit in just 70 minutes and 20 seconds. Had it not been for interruptions for media interviews, he felt he could have done it faster.

Congratulations to Mr. Decker and his family for raising more than $3,000 for people struggling to meet basic needs from housing and food to mental health support – sponsored by the United Way ClimbUP fundraising event.

If 1776 steps only takes one to the top of a tall building, how rigorous must be the climb to Heaven! If one has to be at the top of their game to reach the top of a building, how good must a person be to reach God in Heaven?

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Every day there are people who consciously try to climb another step nearer God. Their religion tries to coach them along. “Keep at it. Work a little harder. If you stumble, start over. Your chances are improving. God will appreciate your effort and your sincerity won’t be in doubt.”

People make changes to their lifestyle that they feel will please God. Some commit to saying more prayers or engaging in daily spiritual habits. When they sin and lose a step or two, they work harder to recover lost ground. Some reach their senior years believing they have successfully climbed many steps to God, though they aren’t entirely sure if it’s enough to reach the summit – they only hope so.

The mental image is that of a person, with a weary body, still persevering in the climb. Pausing to catch their breath, they grip the rail, summoning the strength to lift their fatigued leg to the next step on the ladder. Why all this effort? Because anyone with a sound mind desires to enter Heaven when their earthly life concludes.

But there’s a cruel deception at play, promoted both by Satan and religion. Many are ensnared by the age-old scam that equates religious activities, baptism, good deeds, doing one’s best, and sincerity and faithfulness with steps that lead one closer to God and Heaven. However, the Bible couldn’t be clearer: all of these efforts multiplied many times over, have absolutely no bearing on elevating oneself to God. In reality, if a person relies on their virtuous life and religious practice, they are descending the metaphorical staircase to Hell.

Here’s what the Bible, God’s Word, says:

The Bible says: Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. Ephesians 2:9 NLT

The Bible says salvation and acceptance by God is not because of righteous things we had done…” Titus 3:5-7

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The Bible says that every single person, without exception, falls short of God’s standard. Romans 3:23

The Bible says: “All of us have become like something unclean, and all our righteous acts are like a polluted garment; all of us wither like a leaf, and our iniquities carry us away like the wind.” Isaiah 64:6 CSB

The purpose of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, His burial and resurrection was to open up the only righteous way for sinners to be reconciled and brought to God. Without Christ, we were entirely helpless and hopeless.

Jesus declared, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

The Bible emphasizes: “… at just the right time, when we were still powerless [helpless and without strength], Christ died for the ungodly … God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:6-8

The Bible does NOT say there are steps to climb to reach God. No human effort or achievement will bring us closer to Heaven. Not 1,776 steps. Not 500 steps of goodness. Not 5 steps.

So, how can you be saved? How can you be sure of Heaven? How can you be right with God?

For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift— not from works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

Here is an invitation and a promise from Jesus Christ Himself:

Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

The one who comes to me I will never cast out. John 6:37

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Using the metaphor of a step, Jesus explains that when you “come” to Him in faith and faith alone, He will give you rest. You will be accepted by God in Christ.

In conclusion, coming to God and receiving eternal life and a sure home in Heaven is not achieved by climbing a staircase or taking multiple steps. This classic hymn reminds us that salvation is not about climbing steps but about placing our faith in Christ, the only way to reach God.

Only a step to Jesus,
Then why not take it now?
Come, His forgiveness seeking!
To Him, the Saviour, bow.

    Only a step! Only a step!
    Come! He waits for you;
    Come, His forgiveness seeking.
    Tenderly now He’s speaking;
    Do not reject His mercy
    He freely offers you.

Only a step to Jesus,
Believe in Him and live;
Lovingly, now He’s waiting,
And ready to forgive.

Only a step to Jesus,
Could you His grace refuse?
What has your heart decided?
This is the time to choose.

Only a step to Jesus,
Turn now to Him and say,
“Gladly in Thee, my Saviour,
I place my trust today.”    

             Adapted Lyrics from Fanny Crosby's Original Hymn


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