Within my field of view, the scope of what I can see and observe, what’s my real focus? Is it possible that I am so absorbed with ‘self’ that I am not noticing there are people around me who are spiritually perishing? Do I have a game plan for sharing Christ?

Can you imagine swimming and having fun while ten metres away, someone is flailing their arms, gulping down water, and about to go down for the last time? Would I continue to enjoy my afternoon at the beach?

"None of my business. I won't get involved. This is a family beach outing, and it's been ages since I've had a chance to soak up the sun and enjoy the water. Others will probably see her in need of help and intervene."

Two thousand years ago, on a particular day when they were travelling with the Master, it seemed the disciples had only one thing on their minds – food. Of course, food is not only legitimate; it’s a necessity.

Carrying the snacks they had purchased in town, they headed back to the well. And there He was – yes, Jesus was talking to a sinful woman about her spiritual thirst. He had just told her that He Himself was the very Christ of whom she had referenced. Amazed and excited, she left her water jar right there, hurried back to the town with the news and was now returning with a good number of her acquaintances.

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The disciples were urging the Master to eat something, but could they not see the townsfolk walking closer and closer? Didn’t their hearts throb with excitement that walking straight toward them was a golden opportunity to share the good news? Couldn’t they see that each one of these people represented a precious soul who could potentially receive Christ and be saved from perishing in their sins?

It is difficult to read this story in John Chapter 4 and not wonder at the priorities of the disciples. Within metres and minutes, there would be an encounter of sinners with Jesus, the Christ – yet the disciples were trying to distract Him with munchies and sandwiches!

While that scenario was unfolding before their eyes – yes, their eyes, they were urging Him to eat. They were well-intentioned for sure, but totally mixed up in their priorities.

It was at that point Jesus said to His disciples:  

My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work. “Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. John 4:34-35

How often do I lift up my eyes and look at the fields around me – people right within my reach – not to mention the far-off fields throughout the world?  Is it possible there is mature and ripened wheat blowing in the wind, within my reach, just waiting to be harvested? Or am I consumed by other priorities – my growling stomach or the pressing needs of the day?

It is every single believer’s responsibility to share the good news of Christ. Do you have a game plan for doing this? Are you slowly expanding your inventory of Gospel material? Do you deliberately seek out material (hard copy, digital and online) that you would feel comfortable sharing?

By the way, what others are comfortable sharing may not reflect your approach or style. So be selective. Be a collector and a taster of what’s available. Ask others for their suggestions for good solid Gospel material. Intentionally screen your material and develop your own catalogue and inventory of resources that you can share with confidence. 

You could categorize your material for easy access. For example: 1) First-time encounters; 2) Doubters, Skeptics, Agnostics and Atheists. 3) Sorrow, Pain and Disappointment. 4) Anxious Seekers. 5) Good Works. 6) Careless and Indifferent. 7) Seniors. 8) Christmas and Easter. 9) Tip Cards, Thank-yous, etc.

The categories above are just examples. The point is – to be disciplined and systematic in your approach. Dedicate a physical space to store your hard copy material and also set up a computer file dedicated to Gospel material for sharing.

In closing – pray that you will become more aware of those within your reach in need of Christ.

"Lord, I need to lift up my eyes. I confess my focus on sharing Christ with others is too blurry. I have game-plans for my education, my career, my family and my finances and my vacations, but I have no game-plan for sharing Christ. Help me to clearly see people in front of me and around me in need of Christ. I confess I am unorganized and undisciplined in my approach. Impress on my heart that people are thirsting and souls are perishing all around me. Guide me in developing my own personal game plan to promote and share Christ with others."

Don’t hesitate to share a thought from your personal experience or a verse that has been a blessing to you –  in the comment section below. Or, if you would like to reach out privately, click below.

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