Are things not quite like you expected at this juncture of your Christian life? Yes, you’re saved, and you know you’re secure in Christ, and your salvation can never be undone, and you cannot lose Heaven. You know all that. But isn’t there supposed to be more joy associated with Christian living?

You ask: “Shouldn’t I be living my life more deeply with greater meaning? Read the list below and see if it appeals to you. If you could find a way to obtain all seven ‘benefits’ on this list, would you seriously consider going for it?  

  1. Revives, nourishes and restores your inner self;
  2. Provides insights, wisdom and direction in life;
  3. Generates deep joy and inner happiness;
  4. Enlightens your way and brightens your day;
  5. Anchors you as firmly as Gibraltar;
  6. Alerts you to the risks and dangers of life;
  7. Leads you to treasures and rewards.

Does this list of seven appeal to you? Perhaps you are skeptical – wondering if these seven results and benefits are even within your reach? Maybe you think it’s borderline misleading advertising. On the other hand, you may be ready to pursue these seven outcomes. You say: “It sounds perfect. It’s exactly what I need. Where can it be found? What do I have to do?”

King David found it. In fact, it was David who created the list of seven based on his own personal experience. So here’s the process for all of us:

Read the Word of God. Study the Word of God. Embrace and love the Word of God. Listen to the Word of God. Obey and submit to the Word of God. Follow the Word of God. Promote the Word of God. Live by the Word of God.

King David was so in love with his Bible (as we would call it today!) he wrote a poem about it. Let’s highlight seven things the Word of God does, as outlined in Psalm 19: 7-11

The law of the LORD is perfect,

1. reviving the soul;

the testimony of the LORD is sure,

2. making wise the simple;

the precepts of the LORD are right,

3. rejoicing the heart;

the commandment of the LORD is pure,

4. enlightening the eyes;

the fear of the LORD is clean,

5. enduring forever;

the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether.

More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.

Moreover, by them is your servant 6. warned;

in keeping them there is 7. great reward.

Psalm 19:7-11

If we redistributed even 30% of our discretionary time to ‘feasting’ on the Word of God, can you imagine the outcome?

I am not sure how we would test this hypothesis, but here it is: spiritual blah-ness can be directly linked to a disconnect with our Bibles. Ask yourself just now: how much time do I spend reading, studying, and enjoying God’s Word, and how keen is my desire to submit to its teachings?

There is something wrong with the way I am ordering my life if I am too busy to find adequate time to read and enjoy my Bible. If you are there, then you have a choice to make.

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Worldwide, the average person spends 2 hours and 31 minutes on social media each day. (1) If your research on screen time is more detailed, you can share your findings in the comment section below. Some statistics double the figure just cited, but it’s not always clear what is included in the definition of “screentime.”

Assuming approximately two hours a day is at the low end of the range, a Christian should be able to redirect 30% of those 120 minutes each day, which would add an additional 36 minutes to our personal time with the Lord and His Word.

If all of us reading this Bible Bite increased our daily time with the Lord by an additional 36 minutes, augmented by a submissive attitude, our not-so-spiritually-thrilling lives would be transformed. We would then be able to concur with the sentiments expressed in Psalm 19. The seven amazing results listed above are within our reach this year.

If we were honest, we would quickly confess the reason for not having a more amazing and thrilling Christian experience is ourselves, not our Lord. 


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