No one in the world can boast of a sin-free life. Everyone has secrets that they have never shared with anyone. To have some of our dark thoughts or actions exposed would cause painful shame and profound embarrassment. People go to great lengths to cover their darker actions. They delete their online history. They wipe their hard-drive. They create an alibi to cover the evidence of their involvement. They deny they had anything to do with it. People bury the evidence and do whatever it takes to distance themselves from the sin they have committed. It is one thing to successfully hide our sins from our family, our friends, our employer or our community – but not one sin is hidden from God. We are adept at covering our sins horizontally but powerless to hide them vertically – to block them from God’s view. And that’s a problem! Would you feel better if you knew your sins were completely out of God’s sight? Would you sleep better if you knew God could no longer see your sins? Would the uneasy feeling deep within your being be relieved if you knew your sins were no longer on God’s radar screen? If your darkest secrets were removed from the all-seeing eyes of God, would your load in life be lighter? Have you ever wished that every dark and bad thing in your life could be buried in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench? Out of sight – at the very bottom of the very deepest section known as the Challenger Deep. At 10.9 kilometres below sea level, they would never be seen again. At 6.8 miles below the surface of the west Pacific Ocean – what a relief to know they would never surface again.

Mariana Trench Location Below

This might help you visualize just how deep that part of the Mariana Trench is. If Mount Everest could be submerged into the Trench, the peak of the world’s tallest mountain would still be two kilometres below the surface of the Pacific Ocean. That’s deep! If you lost your diamond ring sailing over that part of the ocean, you can be sure it would never be seen again. Could your sins ever be buried there? The Bible has some facts about sin we all need to think about. Included in those facts is the best news any sinner could ever hear.

Fact 1

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  Romans 3:23, Holy Bible

Fact 2

Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities [sins] have separated you from your God… Isaiah 59:1-2, Holy Bible

Fact 3

Christ died for our sins. 1Corinthians 15:3, Holy Bible

Fact 4

The blood of Jesus Christ His [God’s] Son cleanses us from all sin. 1John 1:7, Holy Bible

Fact 5

Through this Man [Jesus] is preached to you the forgiveness of sins; and by Him everyone who believes is justified from all things… Acts 13:38-39, Holy Bible

The God of Forgiveness

In both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible – the Holy God is presented as the One who delights to forgive sin. He can forgive every one of your sinsheaven4sure subscribe without compromising His standards. Justice was served 2000 years ago on a cross near Jerusalem. Jesus Christ took the penalty for your sins and mine when He died on the Cross. Because of Christ, all your sins can be forgiven. In the Old Testament prophecy of Micah, we read about God’s willingness to pardon and His delight to show mercy, steadfast love, and forgive sins. Consider this verse:
Who is a God like You, who pardons sin … [You] delight to show mercy. Micah 7:18
And now the Mariana Trench!
You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. Micah 7:19
When the Bible tries to teach us just how far removed our sins can be forever – the Prophet Micah uses the imagery of the ‘depths of the sea.’ Micah probably didn’t know about the Challenger Deep of Mariana Trench. But you get his point: when God forgives your sin, they are out of sight and gone forever! Some of us have enjoyed the peace of sins forgiven for a long time. We remember when we called out to God in repentance and by faith, turned to the Lord Jesus Christ and experienced God’s wonderful salvation. Our sins no longer separate us from God. Hell no longer is our fear. Heaven is our Home. Our sins are gone! Would you like yours to be gone too? We point you to the Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ –
In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace… Ephesians 1:7
Sources: Mariana Trench – Mt. Everest Comparison

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