pramsay posted on August 23, 2007 04:05 1849 views

Resolved to Not Leave A Hoof Behind

Friends: “Bro, I don’t get it. Yeah, you’re a Christian but why does that stop you from joining us for Happy Hour? You don’t have to get drunk. Have a Coke. They say Prince Andrew and David Beckham are teetotalers too – so bud, come along. We just want you to have some fellowship with the guys.”

You: “No, I appreciate your invitation and you’re all great guys but I don’t feel comfortable doing that. No offence but I have other plans.”

Friends: “Well, if you’ve got something against doing that, a bunch of us are crashing over at Veronica’s later. She’s letting us take in a pretty hot movie. Why don’t you come over for a few hours? There are only a couple of risqué scenes and the language is no worse than you’d hear around us. Close your eyes if a bit of skin appears.”

You: “Nah, I don’t think so. We’re really living two different lifestyles. I can’t ask you guys to understand me. You might think I’m strange but really I’ve got a full life. I’ve got a peace and an awesome sense of purpose for my life. I love Christ and I want to make choices that please Him. It’s not that I don’t think you’re a great bunch to work with, it’s just that the things we enjoy in life are very different.”

The pressure to compromise on your Christian convictions can be strong. Some say you can be a Christian but you don’t have to go all the way. Satan always tries to water down faithfulness to the Lord. He has been attempting to negotiate compromises with believers from the start.

When the Hebrew people were being freed from the tyranny of Pharaoh (like Satan) and taken out of the land of Egypt (like the world), Pharaoh tried to negotiate compromises with Moses. Pharaoh said: “Go ye, sacrifice to your God in the land.” Exodus 8:25. Of course this was absolutely not in God’s plan. God was taking them ‘out’ of the land of Egypt. But Pharaoh saw no need for them to separate themselves so completely. “Stay right here amongst us. Do your thing with your God right here.”  Moses was firm: “No compromise!” Satan still tells Christians they don’t need to separate from the world just to follow Christ.

Pharaoh then says: ‘Okay, you can leave Egypt to worship your God…” It sounded like a breakthrough until he added: “only ye shall not go very far away.” Exodus 8:27. In other words: “I’m willing to lengthen the chain but I’m not going to untie you.” 

Satan still doesn’t want you to go very far away from Egypt (the world.) “You can be a Christian but don’t become fanatical about it. You don’t have to get narrow minded and all tied up in knots over what’s right and wrong. Don’t go all the way in living for Christ. Enjoy both sides of the fence and then you’ll have the best of both worlds.”

Moses: “No, Pharaoh. You don’t have a deal.”

Next Pharaoh said: “Go and serve the Lord your God but who do you plan to take with you?”

Moses said: “Everyone and everything!” 

But Pharaoh said: “Not so; go ye that are men and serve the Lord.” Exodus 10:8-11. “You can go but leave your kids behind.” Satan still wants Christians to allow their kids to be involved up to their ears in the world’s pursuits.  “You can go to a weekend Bible conference or you can go to the Breaking of Bread – but don’t deprive your kids of enrolling in this or that just because they’ll have to miss some Bible meetings. You can live for the Lord but leave your kids with us.” An old strategy of Satan.

Finally Pharaoh said: “Well, all of you can go but leave your livestock behind.” Pharaoh knew that if all ties were severed, the chances of luring them back to Egypt were next to nil. Moses said emphatically: “Your Honor, everything and everyone is going.” “Our cattle also shall go with us; there shall not an hoof be left behind; for thereof must we take to serve the Lord our God.” Exodus 10:25-26.

God still expects His people today to make a complete break with the world. He wants you to be a total package for the Lord, reserved for Him and Him alone. He doesn’t even want us to leave a hoof dragging behind in this godless world.
